by caroburr | Jun 17, 2019 | Abusive Relationships, Coaching Tips, Communication, Divorce, Emotional Intelligence, Intimacy, Relationship Crisis, Relationship Tips, Understanding Relationships, Understanding Yourself
The way we communicate makes all the difference in relationship. Whether it builds connection or creates distance. In our romantic relationships, it is easy over time to get stuck in communication patterns that wreck and undermine our relationship. 84% of my last 44...
by caroburr | Apr 26, 2019 | Affairs, Coaching Tips, Communication, Dads, Divorce, Emotional Intelligence, Family Dynamics, Gender Differences, Intimacy, Men / Masculinity, Mums, Parenting, Passion, Relationship Crisis, Relationship Tips, Sexuality, Step Families, Twins & Multiples, Understanding Relationships, Understanding Yourself, Women / Femininity
Not long now til my ‘Reigniting the Fire’ webinar next week! I realised as I was practising it today, how much I care about getting the message out there that it’s worth learning about relationship dynamics. That being able to respond differently can not only save a...
by caroburr | Apr 9, 2019 | Abusive Relationships, Affairs, Communication, Divorce, Intimacy, Parenting, Relationship Crisis, Separation, Step Families, Understanding Relationships
I am very happy to see that new divorce reforms will make ‘no fault’ divorce an easier and quicker process, as outlined by the BBC. Some couples I work with are unable to work through to a new phase in their relationship and want or need to separate. The current...
by caroburr | Feb 10, 2017 | Abusive Relationships, Communication, Relationship Crisis, Understanding Relationships
Over the last year you could well have overheard counsellors and therapists discussing ‘The Archers’. Why? Because this BBC radio 4 fictional programme dared to tackle the difficult area of psychological abuse and how subtle and hidden it can be in...
by caroburr | Feb 14, 2014 | Being in Love, Relationship Crisis, Relationship Tips, Understanding Relationships
Are you hating Valentine’s Day or loving it? Maybe it doesn’t feel like something to celebrate for you right now? Perhaps you’re single and wondering when you will share in this pleasure, or perhaps you’re in a relationship but feel far from a...