by caroburr | May 11, 2019 | Coaching Tips, Entrepreneur, Overcoming Adversity, Self Care, Storytelling
After 14 years of working one individual or couple at a time, I’ve been aware of a growing need for relationship understanding and support. 18 months of a full practise and waitlist and I started dreading new requests for support as I felt I was letting people down in...
by caroburr | Mar 15, 2017 | Mums, Storytelling
My coaching practise has it’s 15th birthday this month. I wanted my original company name to reflect my clients yearning for change and desire to be budding, blossoming and growing within their lives and with the parallels of being ‘in Spring’ the name was born:...
by caroburr | Jun 22, 2015 | Coaching Tips, Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Storytelling
I was having a rare wander round my connections in LinkedIn and came across a woman who I had not been in touch with for years, but had always rated. I was just in a different place to her.. turns out we’re now very much on the same page and I was stunned by her...
by caroburr | Sep 10, 2007 | Overcoming Adversity, Storytelling, Understanding Yourself
‘Great Interviews of the 20th Century’ was the heading that caught my attention on the train (I confess in someone else’s newspaper!) The Guardian are publishing 14 interviews.. I was facinated.. Whose stories stood out or held our interest over...
by caroburr | Sep 6, 2007 | Storytelling, Understanding Yourself
Are you sitting comfortably? then I’ll begin… Yes… telling the right kind of story makes all the difference. Carol Ross, previously my coach, has a wonderful podcast...
by caroburr | Aug 17, 2007 | Overcoming Adversity, Storytelling, Understanding Yourself
I was in my early 20s and had been living with pain in my wrists, and physical limitations, since the age of 13. Facing the possibility that this might be as good as it got, I realised I had to learn how to live differently with pain. Enter a book on pain management...