Your Relationship Coach Blog
Well-being Crisis in Boarding Schools?
This is a great video with recent ex-boarders sharing how Boarding School affected their sense of well-being and how they had to survive the experience. Watch the Video here: Boarding School Survivors Nick Duffell provides expert explanations and highlights the risk...
Stepmums on Mother’s Day
Lisa Doodson, an expert on step families, has allowed me to share her thoughts as a guest blog. "So it's Mother's Day on Sunday ... Should stepmums expect a card, flowers perhaps from their stepchildren? Well as always, with anything related to stepfamilies, it...
Embrace ‘Good Enough Mothering’
I want to share a simple message this mother’s day: Let go of perfection, self-criticism and guilt - Instead embrace being a ‘good enough’ mother. As mother’s we typically have an ideal mother in our minds that we want to be. Yet this is an ideal we create through our...
15years old!
My coaching practise has it's 15th birthday this month. I wanted my original company name to reflect my clients yearning for change and desire to be budding, blossoming and growing within their lives and with the parallels of being ‘in Spring’ the name was born: The...
INSPIRE Conference Finalist
I have been part of a wonderful and supportive local women's Business Network, Maidenhead Business Girls, for a few years now. I have been to meet ups and events, attended some fantastic training workshops, and given a taster and workshop myself, as well as being part...
‘The Archers’ Leads on Domestic Abuse
Over the last year you could well have overheard counsellors and therapists discussing 'The Archers'. Why? Because this BBC radio 4 fictional programme dared to tackle the difficult area of psychological abuse and how subtle and hidden it can be in relationships. The...
The Art of Recovery
Yes - recovery in relationships is an art not a science. It involves intuition, empathy and a dance between two people who are trying to balance their desire to be close to the other with their desire to have a clear sense of self. This lack of science is hard for...
Some Truths about Affairs
To heal a relationship where there has been an affair, or even to move on and separate, is a hard and painful journey. After all, trust is at the heart of a relationship and it is not a quick process to regain this after a betrayal, especially given the number of lies...
When I had my twins I finally gave in and joined Facebook as a way to connect with other multiple mums. It was ideal, as juggling two babies, and often older kids too, meant we never knew when we would have a moment to connect, let alone pick up the phone, and getting...
We can’t seem to separate
Coming soon