Relationship Advice

Competition Time!

You’ve possibly heard I am launching some Relationship Webinars.. and I was having a crazy day.. ...and decided to offer someone the chance to Win a FREE place via my facebook page  on 'Recovering Connection' - Tuesday 26th March @ 20.30 (GMT) I am passionate about...

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Receiving recognition

Receiving recognition

Many of us wish for more recognition, however when it comes along how do we feel? Do we push it away or embrace it? I heard last week that I was a finalist in the ‘Best Home Based Business’ category in 2019 Business Girl Awards. It was unexpected, and I was both...

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Giving Girls More

Giving Girls More

I recently went on a Taster Day to learn more about ‘Girls Journeying Together Groups’ which support mothers and their 10-12 year old girls. Kim McCabe created Rites for Girls and has been running these groups for years in response to having a daughter and realising...

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Getting Teens to Listen

Getting Teens to Listen

(revised 06/19) Most of us can easily summon up the image of Harry Enfield's 'Kevin' when we think of teenagers.. but what does that mean for us as parents when we need to be able to communicate with them? Uncertainty around How to Parent As our eldest son approaches...

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Sign up below &  watch my ‘3 Relationship Truths’ video

This video will help if you are in a relationship where:

  • You’re constantly arguing & every day feels like a battle?
  • You’re stuck, going round in circles, & don’t know how to move forward?
  • You feel like the only option is to separate or divorce?

My ‘3 Relationship Truths’ video shares:

  • Why it is normal to feel what you’re feeling
  • How when you think a relationship is over, it’s often just the beginning of the next stage
  • Why it’s important to have your individual needs & be more yourselves within the relationship


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